Curator Community
Any NFT owners on our MATR1X platform can register as curators, who can be individuals or institutions.
After successful application, each curator can promote their favorite MATR1X NFTs through words, pictures and videos. Curators could forward their homepages to other social platforms to promote transactions.
Curator's Benefit
Curators will receive a portion of the transaction fees and royalties of NFTs traded through their homepages as commissions.
Curator Score
All curators will earn Curator Scores according to their NFT trading volumes. Matr1x will airdrop tokens and NFTs based on their Curator Scores.
MATR1X Support
MATR1X will select high-quality content produced by the curator community every week, and share within the game community. Moreover, MATR1X's will share the content on our official websites and social accounts.
Future plan
According to its development, the curator community could be upgraded to an independent DAO, which can have disaggregated funds for operations.
Last updated