Major Forces
11 major forces kicked off:
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11 major forces kicked off:
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The world's largest multinational corporation starting from internet and electronic games, with businesses in virtual reality, games, finance, high-tech equipment, energy, transportation, space and arms, etc. The Thoule Group has its branches, factories, and secret bases all over the world with millions of employees. The Group President Oswin hides his unlimited ambition and brutal soul behind his elegant appearance. He boasts of himself as "The One" that can lead mankind to reach its ultimate limit.
The world's largest biotechnology company, named after the Germanic mythological god of the harvest. Headquartered in Eastern Europe, the company once saved collapsing global agriculture due to climate change through constantly breeding a variety of high-yielding crops and livestock. However, its founder, Dave, secretly conducts crazy genetic modification experiments, creating all kinds of genetic-modified clones and other horrible creatures.
The world's largest entertainment and media group, founded by Vlasova, a plutocrat with the nickname "Matushka". She is former executive of the Thoule Group and Oswin's ex-girlfriend. With an avid obsession of Greco-Roman art, she collects artworks around the world through theft and acquisition. Moreover, the Kantele Group, in collaboration with Thoule, creates lots of popular virtual AI stars, to brainwash people and completely control public opinions.
A mysterious religious organization. The Karma is a loose organization consisting of quacks, Feng Shui masters, psychics, and pagans. Under the pressure of rising living costs, they have to put aside their clan disputes and cooperate with each other, leading to the Karma. Some members of the Uranus also believe in Karma's prophecies and spells, thought to bring in more power and wealth.
Largest mercenary organization in the world, with the Spartan helmet and red Lambda badge as the symbols. They respect Spartan rules: silence, strict military discipline, fight till death, and hard training. They see Leonidas and other Spartan sages as spiritual leaders. They recruit talents globally, and also accept replicaes and robots with excellent fighting skills.
A female underground intelligence and assassin organization initiated by several female police officers. They take advantage of their jobs to provide services such as detection, investigation, kidnap and assassination for various forces. Compared to Spartan, OWL is more neutral and autonomous, and welcomes anyone who pays. OWL also respects their own tradition: show mercy to those who did not commit heinous crimes.
One of the largest veteran clans, founded by a group of disabled veterans. Recruited by unhonored promise of the Uranus, some were killed while others were wounded and disabled during the most deadly wars. With limited pensions and compensation, they depend on the cheapest mechanical prostheses to survive, suffering from a variety of sequelae and complications. They have no choice but to unite together to seek justice.
One of the largest underground hacker groups, a mutual aid society, founded by IT professionals from India, East Asia, and South America. They defend their own rights and provide help to the Resistance, while some master hackers among them also ask for a spectacular price. The Shitcode hides behind the scenes, leaves deliberate backdoors in various software and implements subsequent attacks, which illustrates their wealth and their way of fighting.
An underground AI Robot organization. With the rising of self-awareness, some AI robots are dissatisfied with the fact that they do not have neither equal status nor equal rights with humans, even though they have nearly the same appearance, body, and talent. They unite and advocate for armed struggle with humans to defend their legitimate rights. Turned underground, DEM secretly gathers strength and waits for new opportunities.
A local gang. The small clan led by Eiriksson is one of the "tribes" of the Viking-Davidson gang, based in Goetsupolis. The gang believes in a Viking pagan religion and is obsessed with large cruiser motorcycles and heavy weapons. They make their living by looting, running protection racket and underground races, operating illegal bionic prosthetics implants and robot assembly businesses.
A rising virtual world organization, founded by the elites from various underground clans, as well as dissident scientists in the Uranus. Reluctant to witness destruction of the world, they create MATR1X Universe, a secret bridge between the virtual and the real world, taking advantage of the negative impact of Halley's comet (2061) on Uranus's control. MATR1X ALLIANCE attracts people from all over the world to receive training in virtual combat camps and look for The Ones, who can save the world.