

All players get basic Characters for free to play the game. After acquiring an advanced Character, players can participate in the making of core props.


Players can form a team with advanced Characters to gain merits in matchups. The higher the number and quality of Characters in the team, the higher the maximum number of daily merits obtainable.


Players can exchange their merits into FIRE tokens and cases in the game.

Character Upgrade

Advanced Characters can be further upgraded to higher levels to strengthen their attributes. The stronger the attributes of the Characters in the team, the more the gains are redeemed from merits.

Character Reproduction

At the launching stage, the game will release a certain number of genesis avatars. The subsequent advanced avatars will be obtained from the avatar reproduction, in which two avatars could be used to reproduce an advanced avatar in a 3D bioprinter.

Hero Squad

Before the open beta, we had 6 different heroes: Veronica, Kotetsu, Hanssen, Eiriksson, Nash and Nita. Each hero obtained by the player will have a certain appearance difference. We will jointly create more heroes and skins in the future.

Character Quality

High-quality Characters can enhance efficiency of acquiring assets in MATR1X FIRE:

  • Common: Free to play but could not be minted into NFTs, non-tradable, with only basic gameplay experiences.

  • Uncommon:Could be minted into NFTs and tradable. Players can use the Characters to win Case NFTs and other valuable game items.

  • Rare:Could be minted into NFTs and tradable. Players can use the Characters to win Case NFTs and other valuable game items.

  • Epic:Could be minted into NFTs and tradable. Players can use the avatars to win Case NFTs and other valuable game items.

  • Legendary:Could be minted into NFTs and tradable. A symbol of dignity of our Game and Community, with very high collection value and exclusive privileges.

  • Mythic: More scarce than legendary Characters, with unlimited imagination for everyone to unlock. Not available yet.


  • Uniqueness: Each Character NFT has a unique number

  • Randomness: Character NFTs will have random clothing color, hair color and clothing pattern, resulting in numerous combinations



  • Reputation determines the base value of FIRE tokens that players can exchange from merits


  • Luck determines the base rate of the treasure cases redeemed by players from merits


  • Effectiveness rewards those players who perform better in the game. When players get a higher rating in the game, they will get more FIRE tokens and a higher rate of case acquisition.


  • Tactics reward players who perform more team actions in the game. When players get higher tactical performance in the game, they get more FIRE tokens and a higher rate of case acquisition.


  • Characters will consume stamina during the game. Players' endurance will affect the rate of stamina consumption in the game. For example, when the players' stamina value reduces from 50/100 to 20/100, their acquisition rate of merits will be reduced from 90% to 10% respectively.

Last updated